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The Sophian

Dance on: HIIT meets EDM through Get Fit Smith workout program

The Get Fit Smith (GFS) program was designed to bolster student engagement by offering a  mix of different physical activities and creating a space for students and faculty to teach workout classes to the community. There are currently 13 classes offered throughout the week, ranging from spin classes to zumba, yoga and even functional workout programs. 

Temporada de elecciones en Smith College: ansiedad, acción y esperanza

A medida que se acerca la elección presidencial de los Estados Unidos de 2024, los clubes dirigidos por estudiantes, el Centro Jandon, el Departamento del Gobierno y otros grupos en el campus organizan una variedad de eventos para involucrar a los estudiantes en la elección, alentar el voto, proporcionar oportunidades para la acción política y ofrecer el apoyo aquellos que se sienten inciertos sobre el futuro.

Des étudiants de Smith se joignent à des panélistes pour discuter de la politique LGBTQ+ dans les élections américaines

Le 9 octobre, les étudiants de Smith College se sont réunis au Seelye Hall pour une table ronde intitulée « LGBTQ+ Politics and the US Election » (Politique LGBTQ+ et les élections américaines) qui a abordé les projets de loi homophobes, la mobilisation des élites et les droits des LGBTQ+ au niveau des États. 

Why Colleges Should Prioritize Self-Defense Training?

In a Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality seminar, Gender and Violence, taught by Professor Carrie Baker during the fall of 2024, a discussion on self-defense classes highlighted the availability — or lack thereof — of such resources at Smith. As early as the turn of the twentieth century, self-defense, particularly physical training, emerged as a means of personal and political empowerment for women.

From the Margins to the Center: a Discussion on Black Women in Reproductive Justice Advocacy

On Oct.16, Smith College hosted a panel, “From The Margins To The Center: How Black Women Advance Reproductive Justice Policy,” that discussed the vital role of Black women in reproductive justice efforts historically and presently.

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