The Tell It Slant Poetry Festival 2021, a week-long collection of virtual events, ranging from poetry readings to workshops, raised money for The Emily Dickinson Museum and honored the Amherst local herself.
The Sophian
“I’ve gotta break up sincerity with humor every now and again,” said Julien Baker after making her audience laugh and moments before launching into her devastating song “Sprained Ankle” at a sold-out but intimate show at Gateway City Arts in Holyoke, on tour for her 2021 album “Little Oblivions.”
On Sept. 16, Dean of the College, Baishaki Taylor, announced that UMass Amherst reported 371 positive COVID-19 cases in the week of Sept. 8-14. Hampshire County has since been designated very high risk for COVID-19 by Covid Act Now.
In Northampton, MA the preliminary election is quickly approaching and mayoral candidates continue their fight to make it on the municipal election ballot.
Translated from English by Izzy Ford
NORTHAMPTON-- Debajo de una bandera Confederada ondeanda y un estandarte MAGA (el eslogan popularizado por el presidente Trump durante su campaña política en 2016, con el sentimiento “haz América gran una vez más”), veinte personas blancas gritaron orgullosamente a la esquina de las calles Elm y Prospect. A través de la calle, estudiantes de Smith, envueltos en banderas del orgullo LGBT se besaron. Una imagen proyectada declaró: “Pelosi, Presidente de la Cámara, luche por nuestro futuro!” en el Centro del Campus. Las policías dispersas, las patrullas de Seguridad de Campus, y les agentes de la Sevicia Secreta miraron inexpresivamente.
How do you begin the opinion piece about sexual assault on a college campus? Maybe, if you’re like me, you’ve had a decade or so of practice in the area. You know the talking points by heart– you know that assault is especially pervasive among college students. That universities tend to prioritize their donors, not their survivors. Maybe you’re like 27% of my peers: you’re practiced at managing the aftershocks of your own assault as you navigate higher education.
Co-president and CEO of The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Coalition, Emmy-award winning journalist, and women’s rights activist, Carol Jenkins spoke at Smith’s second Presidential Colloquium of the 2021 Fall Semester on Sept. 21.
Last Sunday, hundreds of UMass students gathered outside the Theta Chi fraternity house in protest of sexual assault allegations.
Smith Votes is a nonpartisan, student-run organization dedicated to encouraging civic engagement and higher voter turnout on Smith’s campus. The Sophian spoke with co-coordinators Emily Stanton-Paule ‘22 and Jenna Sutherland ‘23 this year and last May about their strategies.
Every September I become acutely aware of my Jewish identity. I have to make the choice between my religion and my academic career. Every year academics win.