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The Sophian

Why Colleges Should Prioritize Self-Defense Training?

In a Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality seminar, Gender and Violence, taught by Professor Carrie Baker during the fall of 2024, a discussion on self-defense classes highlighted the availability — or lack thereof — of such resources at Smith. As early as the turn of the twentieth century, self-defense, particularly physical training, emerged as a means of personal and political empowerment for women.

From the Margins to the Center: a Discussion on Black Women in Reproductive Justice Advocacy

On Oct.16, Smith College hosted a panel, “From The Margins To The Center: How Black Women Advance Reproductive Justice Policy,” that discussed the vital role of Black women in reproductive justice efforts historically and presently.

Saturday Nights Off the PVTA

Saturday night; raucous laughter and the clipped, rapid sound of footsteps, accompanied by a flash of headlights as the PVTA B43 passes by my first-floor window. It’s 9:30 p.m. and I am holed inside my room, blue light radiating from my computer screen and burning the words from my Gender, Law and Policy reading onto the backs of my retinas.

Smith se réunit pour discuter des médias et des élections lors d’une table ronde organisée à l’occasion de la Journée de la Constitution

Des étudiants, des professeurs et des habitants de Northampton se sont réunis pour s'informer sur le rôle des médias lors des prochaines élections, à l'occasion du « Constitution Day Panel : Médias et élections », le mardi 17 septembre à l'Alumnae House.

Taping Things Up: How Smith is Overcoming the Athletic Trainer Shortage

Over 250 student-athletes are part of Smith Athletics' 11 varsity sports teams. Any injury, rehabilitation process, practice and game coverage or mental support needed for these athletes are directed towards the Athletic Training (AT) Department. The department is run by Deb Coutu and Kelli Steele, the only AT’s on staff this year after the loss of the graduate assistant position due to a 2015 policy change by the National Athletic Trainer’s Association (NATA). 

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