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The Sophian

Telling the Truth: Inside the Controversial Poster Project

“I think we can expect that people will be pretty upset tomorrow,” Phoebe Collins '22 announced to the eight Smith students packed into her postage stamp-sized dorm. I felt the excitement in the room bouncing off the walls—a kind of childlike giddiness that can only come from doing something that you know will earn you a scolding.


起初,我很容易就放弃了正常生活,以期能遏制蔓延全国的病例激增。几个星期过去了——然后是几个月。现在,距离收到那封通知学生回家的电子邮件已经过去差不多整整两年,我也累了。有的时候我觉得,尽管尽了最大努力,我对疫情前生活的记忆仍在持续消退,每个人都在问:“这就是新常态吗?” 可不一定就是。

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