The Sophian
5月5日,在本学期最后一场校长座谈会上,校长凯西·麦卡特尼邀请到了来自科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(University of Colorado Boulder)的教授:珍妮佛·何。何教授讨论了新冠疫情中针对亚裔愈演愈烈的暴力行为,以及更广泛的种族与种族歧视议题。
House presidents have had enough. Frustrated, feeling taken for granted and ignored by the administration, they won’t put up with it any longer. This Sunday, April 10, 14 of them gathered in Seelye Hall to finalize their plans for a mass resignation from the House President Association. On Monday, April 11, 24 house presidents submitted their resignations, while three more wrote letters of support.
While Smith College embraces its changes to Green Mode, many students are feeling left behind...
For those of us dwelling on the margins, the Smith bubble can be a challenging terrain to navigate. Recently, a new Ada brought up feeling isolated at Smith, asking if anyone else felt this way and, if so, how we deal with it.
Like me, you’ve probably been chastised by food waste fighters on campus every time you mistakenly throw a compostable cup in the trash, or a chip bag (full of both metal and plastic) in the compost...
Jiayan Sun and Edward Arron stepped onto the stage to thunderous applause, and moments later, with the first triumphant slamming of piano keys of “Grand Duo sur des thèmes de Robert le Diable,” the concert began. This was the sixth and final performance of Sun’s series “The Timeless Genius of Chopin.”
On December 1 2021, the Supreme Court heard arguments on reviving Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban in the case of Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.…
Like many a stir-crazy teenager, I, too, looked to my grandmother’s old yarn hoard as a means of working through my quarantine boredom in the early days of the pandemic. My affair with the fiber arts began as it often does: mindless fiddling with different crochet hooks and tangled skeins of yarn.
It is against everything Smith College preaches not to provide its students with a free subscription to The Daily Hampshire Gazette.