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Myth, Fiction, Science Fiction and Fanfiction at a Student Creative Writing EXTRAVAGANZA

“He still brought her flowers,” read Jane MacLaughlin ’24, thus kicking off the Student Creative Writing extravaganza at the Boutelle-Day Poetry Center on April 14. Sponsored by the Smith English Department, the extravaganza featured nine student writers who read selections of their works, five of whom were seniors. 

Artist Yu Wen Yu Centers Displaced Voices as Part of Smith’s Year on Democracies

Artist Yu-Wen Wu sits at the head of the table ready to address the fellows of the Democracies Redux group with the Kahn Liberal Arts Institute. As an interdisciplinary artist working closely with the leaders of this Kahn group, professor Sujane Wu and professor Payal Banerjee, Wu has spent this year with the Smith community to address anti-Asian hate through art, archives, and storytelling.

Que traigan poppers a Smith

Imaginame, en 2019, sentad@ en un sofá, en casa de algún güey de UMass, mientras una fiesta moría por mi alrededor. Solo vine a esta fiesta porque mi amiga de Smith era invitada por un chico de Tinder y quería apoyo. Ahora, estaba en el piso de arriba, chingandole, y yo sol@ en un sofá mientras la gente se abrazaba y pedía sus ubers pa’ casa. Solo los originales permanecieron: compañeros de casa y sus parejas escuchando Carrie Underwood y mirando la tortiller@ misterios@ en su sofa hetero de UMass. No quería dejarle a mi amiga, pero tampoco charlar con desconocidos cuando lo único que quería hacer era dormir. 

Куда ты пошла, Глория?

«Лиге плюща» и коллегиальным институтам уже давно уютно с ЦРУ. Эти связи противоречат предполагаемому космополитическому этосу модели гуманитарных наук,
или может быть, нам что-то сообщают про неотъемлемое моральное банкротство и
логическую нестабильность высшего образования.

史密斯学生需要性健康用品售货机 —— 作为B计划以备罗诉韦德法案被推翻

2021年12月1日,美国最高法院在审理 Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization 的案子中听取了关于复原密西西比州的15周禁止堕胎法案的陈词。女性主义者和赞同堕胎人士表示,这个案子的结果不会理想。他们预计罗宿韦德案中所保护的堕胎权会因此被推翻。

Russian American Businesses During the War

A couple weeks ago, my Russian language professor took us on a field trip. We piled into a van and drove to the nearest Russian grocery store, in Springfield. Entering the store felt like being absorbed into another world. Our trip was a fascinating and humorous language-learning experience. But shopping there almost two months into Putin’s war in Ukraine has generated some questions.

Maya Lin fait face au changement climatique dans l’exposition Mappings

“Maya Lin : Mappings” (Mappings par Maya Lin) est une exposition qui souligne le travail de Maya Lin, une artiste qui interprète la connexion entre les êtres humains et l’environnement qui nous entoure. L’exposition sera présentée au Musée d’Art de Smith College jusqu’au 7 août 2022.  

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