In an age of increasingly sensationalized content, the media takes advantage of women’s stories more often than not. As of late, the film industry has…
The Sophian
On Oct. 3, I was pleased to receive an email from the Student Government Association informing me that all Smith students now have a $35…
On Oct. 14, the Smith radio station WOZQ welcomed the greater Five College community to dance along to the musical stylings of Emma Blue Jeans…
Last Friday night, I used a dental dam for the very first time...
Hanging from the porch at 146 Elm St is a hand-quilted red banner, situating the space between residential houses and faculty offices. This banner, along…
I couldn’t remember a single word, so I stood there for ten awkward seconds until my professor finally came to my aid and completed the sentence for me. I sat down, embarrassed, anticipating judgment from my classmates, my professor — everybody.
Smith’s athletic department was abuzz this weekend between 50th anniversary celebrations and the induction of eight athletes and one team into Smith’s Hall of Fame. The hall was established in 2012 to honor the contributions and accomplishments of Smith’s most exceptional athletes, coaches and teams.
Can good routines really make an impact? WebMD explains one psychological benefit of having a good routine is that “if you have a plan, you’ll feel more in control.” It can be difficult to maintain routines when external factors (i.e., pandemics or school schedules) dictate your schedule. Conversely, however, having daily practices that ground you can set the tone to handle these outside stressors. Need some ideas? We have a few that you can test out…
In what I imagine had to be a nervous rage, Twitter user @Bernfriedl tweeted about their disdain for the recently released trailer for the live-action “The Little Mermaid” in which Halle Bailey, a Black woman, plays the role of Ariel...
More than a decade after the premiere of “Game of Thrones,” “House of the Dragon” finally gets the female perspective right.