Smith College sits snugly at the intersection of liberal arts and historically women’s colleges...
The Sophian
More than nine million viewers streamed “House of the Dragon’s” finale, making it HBO’s most-watched conclusion since “Game of Thrones.” Despite being set in the…
Since her start posting home-recorded music on Bandcamp in 2015, Sophie Allison, also known as Soccer Mommy, has blown lo-fi rock out of the bedroom and onto an international stage. Her current tour brings her to play MASS MoCa in North Adams, Mass. on Nov. 5th. Her latest album, “Sometimes, Forever,” slides smoothly into moody synths and lyrical darkness.
The 1975 is an indie pop band based in England, known for their witty and self-deprecating lyrics set to energetic, autotuned beats. They released their…
Contrary to popular belief, we do have parties at Smith...
For students looking to engage with the full range of the liberal arts curriculum at Smith, music performance lessons can provide a new area of…
Election Day is coming up on Nov. 8 and there is a crucial election nationwide; the stakes for statewide elections in Massachusetts are high as well. This year there are four ballot initiatives for voters to watch as well as state, local and national elections.
Alex Beardsley ’25 has always loved a good story. From the musicals they starred in at age five to the Dungeons and Dragons games they hosted, narratives have always surrounded them. Now, as the director of the Student Theater Committee’s “She Kills Monsters”, Beardsley can make their own.
Originally published as a part of the Sophian's October print edition.