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The Sophian

Who’s Afraid of Protest?

This article was originally published in the November 2024 print edition. On Oct. 24, 2024, President Sarah Willie-LeBreton announced a review of the college’s policies…

Everyone Watches Women’s Sports with WOZQ’s The W in Win

One of WOZQ’s newest radio shows, “The W in Win,” covers global women’s sports news as well as prominent Smith Athletics performances and events. The show airs every Thursday from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. and is hosted by Syd Levine ’27, Sarah Formica ’27 and Kylie Cave ’28. There is also an archive of past episodes available on Mixlr. 

Narcan Trainings, NaloxBoxes and Harm Reduction Bags: The Schacht Center’s Newest Wellness Resources

Starting in the fall of 2023, the Schacht Center began a program aimed at providing harm reduction resources to Smith students, including Narcan trainings, NaloxBoxes and personalized Harm Reduction bags.

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