Danny Joubran ‘24, arrived at Smith as an intended English major. Her infatuation with reading and writing notwithstanding, Joubran decided to take CHM 111: Intro to General Chemistry. As expected, taking the class confirmed that a Chemistry major was not for her. However, advised by her chemist father, Joubran enrolled in CHM 222: Intro to Organic Chemistry.
The Sophian
Balancing her own busy schedule and experience with burnout, Gigi Jaidev ‘25 never really contemplated professors’ experience with the stressor. Smith students are still struggling…
The term “stan” originates from a 2000 Eminem song written from the perspective of an obsessive fan named Stan...
Kiera Collins-Joseph ’24 feels “lucky to work with athletes across the Athletic Department to discuss important issues regarding identity and athletics and help foster community…
“I’ve always just loved to read,” said American literature professor Richard Millington. “Getting absorbed in books was this big pleasure… My interest was always in literature.” He’s not kidding. Millington’s office is covered in books — stacked and scattered across almost every flat surface.
This week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week. The Empire State Building will don blue and green lights in honor of the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), and hopefully, a lot of people will remember that eating disorders exist...
In their newest album “Pollen,” husband-wife duo Tennis solidify their signature, nostalgic sound and weave together an ’80s-inspired, danceable masterpiece. Alaina Moore and Patrick Riley…
The Smith Athletics Department engaged in an unprecedented conversation on Cromwell Day. Amongst suggestions to increase diversity in the recruited classes, to search for recruits…
mehro, a 22-year-old from Manhattan Beach with 3 million monthly listeners on Spotify, kicks off the night. He legally changed his name to his artistic…
A day without water for most of Green St. began on Feb. 14 after the City of Northampton found a water main break near Sage…