Bright and early on Saturday, March 25, a collection of Smith athletes from a variety of teams packed into shuttles and carpooled to the bank of the Connecticut River to support the Smith Crew team in their only home regatta this season.
The Sophian
Northampton Mayor Gina-Louise Scarria '96, has attributed her decision to attend Smith College to the profound impression she experienced upon first driving into the city. After completing her undergraduate studies, Scarria pursued a career in political consulting in San Francisco and later joined the ACLU's national office in New York. While earning her graduate degree at the City University of New York, Scarria resided in Northampton and was a campaign manager for a local City Councilor before being inspired to run for office herself.
On March 4, the Office of Student Engagement hosted Alison Bechdel, a cartoonist best known for her comic strips “Dykes to Watch Out For” and for her graphic memoir “Fun Home,” at John M. Greene Hall for a keynote talk, moderated discussion and book signing.
“One time I saw a squirrel take a whole molasses cookie up a tree in its mouth. Another time I saw [one with] a whole bagel on a tree branch!” said Noah Good ’23. “They’re built different.” Here at Smith, the squirrels are everywhere, as much a part of the campus setting as the buildings and lawns, and they don’t go unnoticed. I talked to different members of the Smith community about why they think squirrels here are unique.
I was never in a “Gifted and Talented” program. In fact, I was never whisked away from my classmates and placed in any kind of accelerated program without deliberately having to seek it out first...
As Violent Femmes prepare to embark on their 40th anniversary tour celebrating their debut album, I figured it was only right to properly honor the album that shaped my high school experience. That, and I also wanted an excuse to mention how upset I am that the tour doesn’t stop on the East Coast.
Indie Folk band Yo La Tengo's newest release, “This Stupid World,” oscillates between a harsh, chaotic dissonance and a satisfying softness, leaning into a grating tension that has produced one of their most dynamic albums in their 40-year career.
Evolution is a fact of life and 99% of our DNA sequence is shared with chimpanzees. The earth is round, and the ostensibly called celestial body we inhabit is not at the center of the universe, and neither is the galaxy, nor the minuscule cluster of planets that is the solar system...
Although a recent addition to the music industry, Em Beihold has quickly risen in popularity, breaking ground with her newest release, “Roller Coasters Make Me Sad” and opening for artist Lewis Capaldi’s upcoming tour.
Publicized with a cheerfully vague, rainbow-colored poster, “My H8 Letter to the Gr8 American Theatre” drew a diverse audience to Hallie Flanagan Studio Theatre on its fifth and final sold out show on March 4. Audiences were notified in advance of “some strong language, slaying, Queer space, and hot joy;” the writers kept their promise.