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The Sophian

The need for a nuanced perspective in the global classroom

How important is it to your success as a student in a Smith classroom, to be American?

Of the million things I thought about before I came to Smith, this was something I took for granted. I assumed that a college education is global, no matter where you go, and that’s exactly what I wanted. I believe a global education is valuable, and it encourages a greater understanding of world problems. And that has been my experience, to some extent. 

However, I was forced to think harder about this as I started to peruse the course catalog more intently and took more classes.

Cuisine and Customs, Korea Style

This past Saturday, the Korean American Students of Smith (KASS) hosted their annual Korean Culture Day. The activities, which took place in the afternoon, were…

Mass. Attorney General Maura Healey urges students to be engaged

“When I stood on the Boston Common for [the Women’s March],” Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey said to a packed Weinstein Auditorium Tuesday, “I said my message to Donald Trump was ‘I’ll see you in court.’ Now even I didn’t think it’d be so soon or so often.” 

Pioneer fall sports preview

Autumn returns to Smith College. Our favorite feature of the season: fall sports. Smith student-athletes have been on campus and sweating through preseason since August. 

Clare Doyle hopes to make a splash as new head rowing coach

This summer Smith College announced that Clare Doyle M.S., ’17 will be the new head coach of the rowing team for the upcoming 2017-2018 season. Doyle follows the footsteps of former head rowing coach Karen Klinger ’84, who retired after 20 years of coaching the Pioneers. 

The need for a nuanced perspective in the global classroom

How important is it to your success as a student in a Smith classroom, to be American?

Of the million things I thought about before I came to Smith, this was something I took for granted. I assumed that a college education is global, no matter where you go, and that’s exactly what I wanted. I believe a global education is valuable, and it encourages a greater understanding of world problems. And that has been my experience, to some extent. 

However, I was forced to think harder about this as I started to peruse the course catalog more intently and took more classes.

ValleyBike Share coming to Pioneer Valley in 2018

Northampton is soon to be one of five municipalities to place rent-a-bike stations throughout the region through the ValleyBike Share, a project started by the Pioneer Planning Commission. There will be 28 stations placed in high-traffic areas throughout Amherst, Mount Holyoke, South Hadley and Springfield. 

Trump sides with Democrats

At a recent White House meeting, with congressional leaders from both parties, President Donald Trump dumbfounded fellow Republicans by suddenly aligning himself with Democrats on a series of key fiscal issues. Trump’s surprise stance upended sensitive negotiations over the debt ceiling and further weakened his already fragile relationship with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan.

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