This article was originally published in the November 2023 print edition. As news coverage of the Israel-Hamas War has increased, so has the number of social media posts I see related to the ongoing deaths, injuries and traumas there. I’m coming to accept the value of witnessing these atrocities in close to real time as a person of privilege. Still, there is also a cost when casual consumption becomes doomscrolling.
The Sophian
Le 17 novembre, deux nouveaux syndicats d'étudiants créés ce mois-ci, United Smith Student Workers et Smith College Residence Life Collective, ont organisé un premier rassemblement sur Chapin Lawn pour obtenir le soutien des étudiants.
On Nov. 3, the Valley Light Opera (VLO) opened their fall opera “Iolanthe” by Gilbert and Sullivan at the Academy of Music, marking the organization’s sixth staging of the comic operetta since 1976. The production boasts delightful performances from Valley Light Opera veterans Elaine Crane and Thom Griffin, and captivating ensemble numbers that kept the audience laughing.
This article was originally published in the November 2023 print edition. A year and a half after breaking ground on the Geothermal energy project, Smith…
Catherine (Kate) Winstanley is a new graduate assistant Strength and Conditioning coach at Smith. Smith’s graduate coaching program allows their students to obtain coaching experience with one of the varsity teams on campus while simultaneously earning their master’s degree in exercise and sports science. Alums of the program have gone on to earn head and assistant coaching jobs from a variety of places, including Brown University, Boston University, Harvard University and even national professional athletic teams.
Le Smith College a licencié Olive Demar, professeure adjointe de danse, le mercredi 1er novembre, pour "ne pas avoir atteint un niveau de performance acceptable" et "s'être éloignée des sujets liés au cours et s'être concentrée sur sa vie personnelle et sur des questions politiques ; avoir mis fin au cours plus tôt que prévu ; et avoir refusé de rencontrer [sa] présidente". Depuis qu'elle a été licenciée, Mme Demar a déclaré que la raison de son licenciement était d'avoir discuté de la guerre en Israël et Palestine.
Smith College has recently announced the construction of a new building for the Lazarus Center for Career Development and the Wurtele Center for Leadership, which is set to be built on a hillside overlooking Paradise Pond. In response to this announcement, many students have taken to social media to discuss the validity of the project. Arguments have been raised, suggesting that the funds for this new building could be more effectively utilized to address internal issues within the college, such as broken elevators and insufficient professor salaries. While there are a multitude of reasons to question the necessity and efficiency of the new Lazarus Center, I would like to introduce an additional critique from a conservation standpoint.
When visiting the Campus Center Café after 8 p.m., the first thing that might catch one’s eye are the piles of to-go containers covering the tables, littered with GrubHub receipts.
While the GrubHub system may be quick and convenient, there’s a darker side to it when it comes to the waste the orders generate — whether that be food waste or material waste from the containers, to-go cups or wrappers.
If you decide to get up bright and early at 6:30 a.m. during the week and walk the bike path or nearby trails, you may run into the Smith College Intercollegiate Running Club (SMIRC) getting in their morning practice before classes.
Après avoir quitté le Ghana pour s'installer à New York il y a quatre ans, Bernice Agyeiwaa, lauréate de la bourse Ada Comstock, s'est retrouvée à la recherche d'une communauté. Ayant l'intention de suivre un programme d'études supérieures en soins infirmiers, elle a commencé à suivre des cours au Bronx Community College.