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The Sophian

SGA Profiles: Week One

Latifa Al-Mohdar ’18, Senior Class President Hometown:  Ann Arbor, Michigan. My favorite thing about it is the large Middle Eastern community inside the city and…

The rightful place of Confederate statues

Statues of Confederate generals and politicians, like Robert E. Lee, evoke strong feelings in many people, black and white. These statues have become symbols. Some view them as glorifying a fight for white supremacy, while others believe they were erected in the memory of war dead and are not monuments related to race. Regardless of viewpoint, they have become a magnet for civil unrest and debate.

Four distinguished alumnae to be awarded the 2018 College Medal

Each spring Smith awards members of its alumnae with the Smith College Medal in recognition of their outstanding achievements in business and the world. This year, four distinguished alumnae will be awarded the medal Rochelle “Shelly” Braff Lazarus ’68, Ann Stringfellow Masten ’73, Rebecca Rabinow ’88 and Kimberly Scott ’91. 

Petition fails to sway Easthampton Mayor on sanctuary city status

Earlier this month, a petition with 757 signatures was used to try and convince Easthampton Mayor Karen Cadieux to officially declare the city a sanctuary city. The goal was to obtain the title of sanctuary city through executive order or the issuance of an ordinance. The city requires petitions to have a minimum of 100 signatures to gain a public hearing after a clerk verifies that the signatures are valid and reach the minimum requirement.  

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