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The Sophian

Tax reform? The rich get richer and the poor get poorer

The Republicans promised us a tax reform that would simplify the code without adding to the nation’s deficit. They began with this argument: they promised to lower tax rates, particularly on corporations while ending tax breaks and loopholes at the same time. 

House-systems and cliques at Smith

One of the conversations I have been a part of at Smith, revolves around the topic of cliques. It is not hard to recognize all the groups on campus, small and large. 

It is also not surprising that they exist on a campus of so many opinions, especially as cliques serve as a refuge for certain groups. As a first-year I believed it was simply a by-product of the social system and how it functions; there will always be groups who bunch together and choose to be labeled as a group, and some of these groups are healthy for the campus and some aren’t. It is unavoidable. 

Letters to the editor

To Affinity Housing Committee,


You are correct; I never should have used the term “lynch.” Thank you for drawing this to my attention.

Further, I want to assure you that your concern about having students in the balcony was related solely to fire code regulations; it had nothing to do banners, or with the particular issue of affinity housing. I regret that this was not communicated clearly.

I know you’re not looking for an apology, but I offer one anyway. Thank you again for raising this issue.


Merrilyn Lewis
Associate Director of Events Management Office

UMass Amherst fraternities continue to face suspensions in light of misconduct

In September, Diovanni Aquino, a student that does not attend UMass Amherst, left Phi Sigma Kappa, a frat on UMass Amherst’s campus following an altercation that went far beyond the norm for fraternity party. According to reports, a disagreement that turned violent broke out at the end of the night at the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. 

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