Asghar Farhadi’s 2016 film “Salesman” tells a thought provoking story about a young married couple living in Tehran, which was shown last weekend by the Student Events Committee. Rana (Taraneh Alidootsi) and Emad (Shabaab Hosseini) are forced to evacuate their home once a construction mishap causes their apartment to become unlivable.
The Sophian
Tamar Carroll, associate professor of History at Rochester Institute of Technology gave a talk on Friday Nov. 10, entitled “Creating Queer Politics: Coalitions between AIDS and Reproductive Rights.”
Last week, Professor Claire Finkelstein from University of Pennsylvania Law School, gave a lecture at Smith entitled “Is the U.S. becoming a Constitutional Dictatorship? Executive Authority and the Rule of Law in the Age of Trump.” The lecture was sponsored by the Kahn Institute, a liberal arts research institute at Smith.
Last Thursday, Northampton council passed a series of resolutions dealing with a variety of issues.
The resolutions, although not legally-binding, express the council’s views. Yet, these resolutions can also lead to legislature that will enact the ideas of these resolutions. Added surveillance cameras downtown, medical aid in dying, nuclear weapons and school bus safety were all topics of discussion for the council.
On Monday, following the devastation of Hurricane Maria, Smith College announced a new program to invite students from the University of Puerto Rico or other affected institutions to study at the college.
As you walk along the trail behind the athletic field, you find yourself surrounded by a serene landscape of rustling leaves, towering trees and a…
“It’s been going on for over a century. It’s a longstanding smith tradition." - Madelaine Zadik
The Smith College Swimming and Diving team travelled to Worcester, Massachusetts last Friday to compete in a triple dual meet with Babson College, Brandeis University and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Sydney Guiliano ‘18Contributing Writer Ask any Patriots fan and they will tell you that there’s only one quarterback (QB) they need in their lives and…
The Republicans promised us a tax reform that would simplify the code without adding to the nation’s deficit. They began with this argument: they promised to lower tax rates, particularly on corporations while ending tax breaks and loopholes at the same time.