To our friends, professors, classmates and allies: The Kahn Liberal Arts Institute invited former CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson to speak on a panel…
The Sophian
Dear Smith Community, Tenney House is severely disturbed by the horrible comments made about our Ada Comstock neighbors on social media. This past weekend,…
Late last week, as some of us were in the midst of Winter Weekend festivities, Senate Republicans passed their tax overhaul plan.
Back in 2014, Wesleyan University announced that its fraternities would have to go coeducational amid claims from students and faculty members that fraternities encouraged sexism and the mistreatment of women. The Phi Delta Theta chapter at Texas Tech was suspended after displaying a banner that read “No Means Yes, Yes Means Anal.” Clemson University suspended all fraternity activity following a member’s fatal plunge from a bridge. While the majority of fraternity members do not commit rape, they are three times as likely to commit rape as non-members, according to a 2007 study.
Smith alumna Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy caused something of a controversy in Pakistan a little while back, and when the subject resurfaced over Thanksgiving dinner, I was forced to rethink and form some opinions.
I am immensely grateful to and for Smith College for a wide range of reasons. Regarding my transness, Smith has been, in many respects, an oasis. It is where I have most often felt comfortable and safe being my trans self. It is because of this that I think Smith can, and must, do better for all trans people.
The Smith College Ice Hockey (SCIH) team began practicing the day after fall break, preparing a team with eight new players for a long, cold and competitive season.
Imagine taking the first bite of a peppermint ice cream cake. The cool ice cream, silky ganache and flavorful cake melding together in the perfect combination. Sounds pretty good, right?
Looking for the perfect Christmas present can be stressful during this time of the year. Jumpstarting your gift list is not an easy task – sometimes it can be hard to choose something that suits the recipient’s personality and interests, especially if each person on your list is so different. Check everyone off your list with this gift guide to give some awesome Christmas presents for your friends and family.
Matilda LaBranche ’21 began planning for college her first day of high school. “I came from a college prep school where your self-worth was measured by your grades,” she said.