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The Sophian

An Interview about ‘Gender: Two Novellas in Verse’ with Poet and Author Anne Harding Woodworth

In under 100 pages, Anne Harding Woodworth (’65) dives into a conversation on gender fluidity.  By looking to a mysterious past and future, in “Gender: Two Novellas in Verse,” she explores secondary universal themes of parenting, companionship and survivorship. Harding Woodworth brings genderfluid people to the forefront of her narrative, starting a conversation on representation and whose stories are worth telling. 

Green Gold: How Free Bins Help the Environment and Our Wallets 

A big plastic box, a clothing rack on wheels, a heap of bags filled with clothes — Smith’s free bins come in many shapes and sizes. As the name suggests, each “bin” is a repository of discarded clothes and objects that are free for students to take. From sweaters to mugs to artwork, the free bins — located in every house — are a great way for students to expand their wardrobes and decorate their rooms without breaking their wallets. 

La leche importa: Comprendiendo los inconvenientes ambientales de las alternativas populares en Smith College

A mi llegada a Smith, observé la amplia disponibilidad de leches no lácteas. Estas leches no sólo se están haciendo más populares aquí en Northampton pero, de acuerdo con un informe de Meticulous Research, el mercado de la leche de plantas ha crecido más del 11% solo en el último año. La adopción de estas alternativas a la leche está movida por una serie de motivaciones que incluyen consideraciones de salud, preferencias de sabor y conciencia ambiental. Particularmente entre la comunidad de Smith, cada vez más consciente del medio ambiente, la conciencia ambiental es un incentivo significativo al elegir leches alternativas.  

Le lait, c’est important : comprendre les compromis environnementaux des alternatives populaires au Smith College

Dès mon arrivée à Smith, j'ai constaté que les laits d’origine végétale étaient largement disponibles. Non seulement ces laits deviennent de plus en plus populaires ici à Northampton, mais selon un rapport de Meticulous Research, le marché des laits végétaux a connu une croissance de plus de 11 % au cours de l'année dernière. L'adoption de ces laits alternatifs est motivée par toute une série de raisons, notamment des considérations de santé, des préférences gustatives et une conscience environnementale. Cette dernière est une motivation importante dans le choix des laits alternatifs, en particulier dans la communauté de Smith, de plus en plus sensibilisée à l'environnement.

Confessions from a Literary Elitist: Review of Colleen Hoover’s “Verity”

Last week I set out on an expedition to find and read a Colleen Hoover book.

I’m an English major and, more relevantly, a lifelong literary elitist. Pretentious books have been the pillars of my superiority complex since grade school, as I peered disdainfully at my classmates’ beyblade battles over my copy of “Beowulf” and once told my seventh-grade teacher that I found “Great Expectations” just so much more rewarding when reading it for the third time.

The Price of Your Aesthetic

Look around and observe the many characters of Smith College. Just about every “aesthetic” can be found here, whether it be “alt,” fairy-themed or maybe the recently popular “Lana-Del-Rey-vinyl.” There are distinct and observable archetypes of people that this school attracts, and more discernibly, a variety of fashion styles that never seem to stop evolving along the newest trends. The incessant upkeep with trends is a marked trait across campus, and it is without a doubt that the students of Smith express themselves through fashion with such nonchalance—but at what cost? 

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