Battle of the Sexes, released last September, is a biographical, sports comedy-drama film set in the 1970’s. The plot is loosely based on the famous 1973 tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs. The film stars Emma Stone as King and Steve Carell as Riggs, with Andrea Riseborough, Elisabeth Shue, Austin Stowell, Bill Pullman and Sarah Silverman in supporting roles.
The project and its two leads were announced in 2015. Principal photography on the film began in Los Angeles in 2016, with a budget of more than $25 million. The film premiered at the Telluride Film Festival last September.
The Sophian
Top-seeded Smith basketball suffered a bitter defeat this Saturday in the NEWMAC semifinal, falling to Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51-64.
Aries Always the go-getter, you will find yourself eager to do well. But be sure to take care of your body and mind…
I have been reading fanfiction and involved in various fandom communities since I was a child. I don’t remember discovering fanfiction; it has always been part of my life.
Emily Kowalik ’18Opinions Editor Army veteran, Mark Cowan, aimed his AR-15 gun at Northside High in Fort Wayne, Indiana on Monday. Cowan, a member of…
The Board of Trustees visited Smith this past week to check in with initiatives that the Smith community is brainstorming and striving to formalize.
The Board of Trustees visited Smith this past week to check in with initiatives that the Smith community is brainstorming and striving to formalize.
Macroeconomic historian and Smith alumna Gillian Brunet ’08 gave a talk titled “Stimulus on the Home Front: the State-Level Effects of World War Two Spending” last Friday to Smith students and faculty.
Divest Smith spoke to a subcommittee of the Board of Trustees about tackling new efforts to divest Smith from the fossil fuel industry on Feb. 22.
Grecourt Gate reported last Friday that Smith College received a record number of applicants for the class of 2022