From March 23 to 25, the Integrated Sciences Building at UMass was full of ambitious computer science, data science and statistics students competing at the fifth annual Five College DataFest.
The Sophian
Alice Mungyu ‘19, editor-in-chief Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan announced their split on April 2, sending media outlets into a frenzy with accusations. This sparks…
Elizabeth Muirhead ’20 Many avid hockey fans dream of getting to play on the ice with their favorite team, but most people…
Madeline Hubbard ’19 On Saturday, the Smith Lacrosse team took on Wellesley’s “the Blue.” Wellesley had bested Smith in the past 33 matches, but this…
Cas Sweeney ’19 | Associate Editor From March 23 to 25, the Integrated Sciences Building at UMass was full of ambitious computer science, data science…
Cassie Follman ’20 Associate Editor Following a live discussion during which students voiced their concerns, the Student Government Association (SGA) proposed changes that will possibly…
Briana Brady ’21, contributing writer There was an incredibly high turnout at Smith’s recent Meningitis B vaccine clinic. However, immediately after, students reported feelings of…
Cas Sweeney ’19 | Associate Editor On March 19, at 8:53 p.m., the sound of Neilson construction came to an abrupt stop, and all was…
Cassie Follman ’20, associated editor and managing editor In light of the recent outbreak of bubonic plague on Smith College’s campus, President Kathleen McCartney sent…
A-Smithie-who-is-definitely-not-a-squirrel, contributing writer There are some Smithies that say that we should not give our pastries to squirrels. Apparently, this is because it’s a “waste…