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The Sophian

The Price of Your Aesthetic

Look around and observe the many characters of Smith College. Just about every “aesthetic” can be found here, whether it be “alt,” fairy-themed or maybe the recently popular “Lana-Del-Rey-vinyl.” There are distinct and observable archetypes of people that this school attracts, and more discernibly, a variety of fashion styles that never seem to stop evolving along the newest trends. The incessant upkeep with trends is a marked trait across campus, and it is without a doubt that the students of Smith express themselves through fashion with such nonchalance—but at what cost? 

Smith Rugby Claims Second Consecutive Victory in Conference Championship

Smith Rugby won the New England Wide Collegiate Rugby Conference (NEWCRC) championships for the second year in a row on Nov. 4. Throughout the fall season, Smith Rugby fought hard and held their own against the 20 other teams in the NEWCRC to qualify for the conference championship. On the day of the championship, dressed head to toe in their signature red and black uniforms, Smith defeated Yale 24 to 17 in a  close game to win the title.

In Loving Memory of American Higher Education

I have probably read over 200 Buzzfeed articles throughout my life. Back when it was still culturally relevant, much of its content focused on American college life and the culture that emerged from within it. From 23 things that perfectly define “college culture” and 21 things that are so college, it hurts. The 2010s were the years of America’s cultural hegemony; American cultural products (books, movies, music, art, etc.) were consumed all around the world.

Молочный вопрос: к пониманию экологических компромиссов популярных альтернатив коровьему молоку в Смит Колледже 

По прибытию в Смит, я открыл для себя широкую доступность разных видов альтернативного молока. Эти виды становятся популярными не только здесь, в Нортгемптоне, но, согласно докладу Meticulous Research, рынок растительного молока вырос на больше чем 11% только за последний год.

Proyecto de energía geotérmica avanza en 2023

Un año y medio después de iniciar el proyecto de energía geotérmica, Smith continúa la construcción en sitios alrededor del campus, moviéndo se hacia su objetivo de ser neutro en carbono para 2030. El proyecto, que empezó en 2022, tiene como objetivo reducir drásticamente las emisiones de carbono de Smith por 90% y está en la propia pista de completarse para 2028.

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