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The Sophian

Global Brigade Boba fundraising

Lingchuan Xu ’21 | Features Editor

As I was making my way through the Campus Center’s main level, a bulky sign saying “Milk Tea” with an accompanying image of bubble tea caught my attention.

The fight for survivors’ rights when the system favors the perpetrator

Chantelle Leswell ’20J | Staff Writer

From that dreaded moment in the early hours of Nov. 9, 2016, survivors of sexual trauma have been in a state of bereavement — of raw, unadulterated pain — as they saw election results prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that their voices and their experiences didn’t matter.

Smith dining: what’s the issue?

Hazel Garrity ’21 | Contributing Writer

As a bright-eyed incoming first year, many things about Smith excited me. The house communities, beautiful campus, lack of general education requirements and especially, the variety of dining options, were the major reasons I chose to come to Smith.

Betsy DeVos needs to get schooled

Kelly Coons ’22 | Assistant Opinions Editor

A is for apple. B is for book. And G is for… gun? Education Secretary Betsy DeVos wants to arm U.S. teachers. She claims it will make schools safer by deterring mass shootings, like the one that claimed the lives of 20 first-graders and six staff members in an elementary school in my home state, Connecticut.

The problem with literary snobs

Emily Buxengaard ’22 | Assistant News Editor

I used to hate it when people asked me what I was reading. I loathed the snide remarks I'd get about the tattered Harlequins I liked to pick up from the thrift store.

A Review of “Snapshots”

Jacqueline Richardson ’21 | Assistant Arts Editor

Oh, the lesbian movie! If there exists a genre more fraught and loved to the people it tries to portray, I haven’t heard of it. Dead lovers, sex scenes so obviously shot with a man panting behind the camera and straight actresses fumbling through flat performances fill the film’s minutes, and yet we continue to watch. Of course some successes exist. But these are few.

Dialogue on US-China Trade War

As China establishes itself as a global superpower, it began to have much more interaction with the global economy. After the United States changed its…


Aries: On your way to class, you will find a clean-shaven squirrel dressed in a tuxedo and top hat. When you rub your eyes to…

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