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The Sophian

Someone tell the tech moguls that rocketships won’t solve our problems

Earlier this week, I was looking up Stephen Hawking’s posthumous book “Brief Answers to the Big Questions” and was immediately taken back to my high school computer science teacher’s lectures on some of these big questions. Hawking’s book discusses artificial intelligence, a superhuman race and the potential end of humanity. Light stuff, right? I remember sitting in class around 2012, while my 70-something teacher assured us that Jeff Bezos was building an empire and working towards taking over the marketplace, shutting down high street stores entirely. His claims didn’t sound credible to me at the time — I was just trying to stay awake. But now I’m wishing I listened to him a little more intently.

The right to truth

“Crisis pregnancy centers” and “faith-based pregnancy centers”: I have a problem with both names. First of all, I think the word “crisis” only adds to a pregnant person’s anxiety, and secondly the phrase “faith-based” breeds misconception; a pregnant person has the right to allow their religion to guide their reproductive decisions, whether they choose a faith-based center or not.

How to Be a ‘lady’: Taking a Look at Gender in SCMA’s New Exhibit

Upon opening the doors to the exhibit, you immediately lock eyes with a pale woman in a turquoise robe who looks out from her ornate frame with a small smile. She is one of the few in the gallery who will actually make eye contact with you; the rest of the women gaze demurely at things out of sight as if they are wishing for something their gilded world cannot give them.

Professor Atela’s Mathematical Expression

“Concinnitas” was a term used by 15th-century scholar and architect Leon Battista Alberti to describe beauty in architecture, which he believed existed when — and only when — parts of a building cohered to a harmonizing whole. It was also used to name The Concinnitas Portfolio, to which Professor Pau Atela responded in his Re(Creations) and MathStudio. Both the portfolio and Atela’s work will be displayed at the University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMass until Dec. 9.


Capricorn: You work way the F too much. Remember that work can’t replace emotional connection/friends/family, so you need to work on accessing your emotional side…

How to make innovation more approachable

Last Thursday, the Conway Center held a workshop as part of its “Innovative Strategies” series. “Last year most of the students came up with their…

Interview with “With the Flow”

As a result of the Trump administration’s endless attack on Reproductive Rights, the future of menstrual equity in the United States gets seemingly murkier each…

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