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Double down on double headers


Cameo Tietje ‘18
Sports Editor

Members of the Smith College Softball team had a full weekend, facing two double headers on Saturday and Sunday against Wellesley and Springfield. This resulted in four defeats with the Wellesley scores totaling to 3-7 and 2-10 and the Springfield scores totaling to 1-5 nd 8-10. Throughout their last game against Springfield, the lead switched back and forth between the teams. Each inning brought the other team closer to victory. Ally Snyder ’17, one of the teams’ senior captains, nailed a much-needed home run with the bases loaded, which brought the game back within reach at 6-5. Both teams had their ups and downs, coming so close to victory right before the other landed another run. Springfield saw three home runs in their second game against Smith, two of which were slammed past the fence by Gabby Alfieri ’20. Alfieri’s homers were hit in the top of the second and third innings. With a game so close, such as 8-10 in this case, an umpire’s calls can affect the ending score. To the fans, the umpires made a few bad calls, demonstrated by the fans’ sounds of despair and questioning. Although a majority of fans were Smith affiliated, many of Springfield’s supporters came out as well. The total attendance was recorded at 100 people. The game against Springfield took approximately two hours and three minutes. Their first game against Wellesley at 1 p.m. was only an hour and 38 minutes. Both games were held on the Smith campus. Elodie Townsend ’20 from Mill Valley, California was hit with a line drive throw from Springfield’s pitcher, knocking her to the ground. Trainers and coaches ran to her side, but she was given the ok. Although Townsend was visibly shaken, she went to first-base and supported her next teammate at bat. Smith College Softball’s support and camaraderie is like no other. Everyone cheered every time a fellow member stepped up at bat, no matter if they struggled or succeeded. As a spectator, you could tell that they had each other’s backs. To see the team live in action or on video, watch SCSB go up against Worcester Polytechnic Institute, home on Friday, April 14 at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.