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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Elizabeth Myers Tells Her Story

Somto Okonkwo ’21

In August, Elizabeth Myers, director of Special Collections at Smith, was a featured storyteller for “A Finding Aid to My Soul: An Archivist Storytelling Event,” sponsored by the Society of American Archivists’ Committee on Public Awareness.

Synced Up (and not in the way you think)

Hannah Vogel ’21

When most people think of synchronized swimming, they envision flowery caps, neat side dives and a lot of floating in circles. While this may have been the true during the Esther Williams era of synchronized swimming, it most certainly isn’t indicative of the synchro world today.

The fight for survivors’ rights when the system favors the perpetrator

Chantelle Leswell ’20J | Staff Writer

From that dreaded moment in the early hours of Nov. 9, 2016, survivors of sexual trauma have been in a state of bereavement — of raw, unadulterated pain — as they saw election results prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that their voices and their experiences didn’t matter.

BU Novice: my first taste of debate

Claudia Olson ’22 | Assistant Features Editor

Last weekend, the Smith Debate Society traveled across Massachusetts to attend the Boston University Novice tournament. Smith brought the biggest team, with 22 competitors and five board members who served as judges during the rounds and led the team around the Boston area.

Smith dining: what’s the issue?

Hazel Garrity ’21 | Contributing Writer

As a bright-eyed incoming first year, many things about Smith excited me. The house communities, beautiful campus, lack of general education requirements and especially, the variety of dining options, were the major reasons I chose to come to Smith.

Betsy DeVos needs to get schooled

Kelly Coons ’22 | Assistant Opinions Editor

A is for apple. B is for book. And G is for… gun? Education Secretary Betsy DeVos wants to arm U.S. teachers. She claims it will make schools safer by deterring mass shootings, like the one that claimed the lives of 20 first-graders and six staff members in an elementary school in my home state, Connecticut.

The problem with literary snobs

Emily Buxengaard ’22 | Assistant News Editor

I used to hate it when people asked me what I was reading. I loathed the snide remarks I'd get about the tattered Harlequins I liked to pick up from the thrift store.

Political and abstract art meet in Alma Thomas Exhibit

Jacqueline Richardson ’21 | Assistant Arts Editor

Currently on display at the Smith College Museum of Art is Alma Thomas: The Light of the Whole Universe, comprising art from the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s by Alana Thomas and her contemporaries.

With “Monsters Exist,” Orbital achieves a mixed success

Jacqueline Richardson ’21 | Assistant Arts Editor

With their latest album “Monsters Exist,” Orbital attempts to reconcile their imaginative, danceable beats with their political inclinations — and they do so with varying success. The best moments in the album come when they craft a soundscape that echoes our current political climate. The worst, when they shoehorn commentary into their songs in a way that dilutes both their vibrant electric vision and the ideas they’re trying to promote.

You Can Have My Smith Diploma Back Now

Deirdre Winberg ’92

Let's be honest. Getting into Smith isn't all that difficult. [...] The hardest thing about Smith is figuring out how to pay for it, and since Smith went need-blind, that has knee-capped more than a few women who undoubtedly were disappointed by the admissions decision they received.