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Posts published in “Opinions”

A Toast To the American Dream

Lupe Valle ‘20 Contributing Writer What is more inspirational than the Atlanta Falcons coming into the 2017 Super Bowl against the New England Patriots after…

Why is Trump Still Winning?

Sophia Zhu ‘18 Opinions Editor Despite the bitterness of his protestors, Trump is still the winner in the first round of this domestic political struggle.…

Trump’s War On the Media

Emily Kowalik ’18 Assistant Opinions Editor Although both are quite new to their offices, Donald J. Trump and chief White House strategist Stephen K. Bannon have…

My Reflections After a Semester in Paris

  Emily Kowalik ’18 Assistant Opinions Editor There is so much more to reflect upon this semester than there was the previous four semesters on campus.…

Dangers of Governing By Social Media

Sophia Zhu ’18 Opinions Editor Communication is essential to political activities. Mediums of communication are important because they are the carriers of vital political messages…