Last year President McCartney introduced the Innovation Challenge for Advancing Inclusion, Diversity and Equity. It was a new funding opportunity to support ventures which strengthen the Smith community. The Diverse Smithies Series was the proposed project of the Office of Alumnae Relations and started last week.
Posts published in “Opinions”
How important is it to your success as a student in a Smith classroom, to be American?
Of the million things I thought about before I came to Smith, this was something I took for granted. I assumed that a college education is global, no matter where you go, and that’s exactly what I wanted. I believe a global education is valuable, and it encourages a greater understanding of world problems. And that has been my experience, to some extent.
However, I was forced to think harder about this as I started to peruse the course catalog more intently and took more classes.
How important is it to your success as a student in a Smith classroom, to be American?
Of the million things I thought about before I came to Smith, this was something I took for granted. I assumed that a college education is global, no matter where you go, and that’s exactly what I wanted. I believe a global education is valuable, and it encourages a greater understanding of world problems. And that has been my experience, to some extent.
However, I was forced to think harder about this as I started to peruse the course catalog more intently and took more classes.
With ever-increasing technological advances, new concerns about privacy and data-mining come up every day. We as a society are facing challenges previous generations would have never imagined.
At a recent White House meeting, with congressional leaders from both parties, President Donald Trump dumbfounded fellow Republicans by suddenly aligning himself with Democrats on a series of key fiscal issues. Trump’s surprise stance upended sensitive negotiations over the debt ceiling and further weakened his already fragile relationship with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan.
As Smithies wrapped up spring semester earlier this year, they knew they would come back to a changed campus in the fall due to Neilson construction. We knew Neilson would be inaccessible for a while, and we were, naturally, concerned by the potential lack of study spaces that may arise.
Last week’s announcement on Title IX from the Department of Education should worry students, parents and alumnae, Katherine Hazen ’18 writes.
The fate of some 800,000 young undocumented immigrants now rests in the hands of the U.S. Congress, Emily Kowalik ’18 writes.
Steven D. Rizzi Steven D. Rizzi is a Smith College parent and technologist that has worked extensively with higher education in the U.S. and abroad.…
I have many friends who attend UC Berkeley and have thus heard much about these incidents. The college just elected its first black muslim student…