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Posts published in “News”

Where Did The Pond Go?

Over the last several years, students may have noticed a difference in the Smith landscape – each November, the tranquil body of water known as Paradise Pond transformed into a barren mudplain. Smith has dredged the pond periodically for decades. But outside of the Landscape and Environmental Studies departments, few members of the Smith community actually know why this happens, or why it is a significant event on the campus.

Residence Life Announces Changes to Special Interest Housing

On Feb. 1, Residence Life sent an email to the Smith community detailing changes to special interest housing for Fall 2020. The email also included…

A New Minor at Smith

“Social Justice belongs to all of us,” said Laura Katz. In 2008, the Social Justice Curricular Design Group proposed a potential new minor focused on social justice. Laura Katz, co-chair of SJCDG, presented the group’s proposal of a new minor in social justice this semester with the hopes that it become an interdepartmental minor.

Community Feedback on Campus Safety

Thursday, Nov 14, a report summarizing findings from campus safety forums and listening sessions that have been held throughout the past few months was sent to the Smith community, explaining what steps the Campus Safety Advisory Group will be taking going forward and what feedback it has received about Smith’s police department.

Smith Joins Amicus Brief In Support of DACA

In September, Smith college joined 165 other higher education institutions throughout the state of Massachusetts in signing an Amicus brief opposing the Trump administration’s revocation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program. This comes in anticipation of the upcoming supreme court decision on the legality of DACA, which the Trump administration initially rescinded in September 2017. Arguments on the case began Tuesday, Nov 12. This ruling will impact the future of some 700,000 young immigrants.