On September 28th, Smith’s Senior Class President Jane Casey-Fleener ’21 launched a petition titled: “Bring Class of 2021 Back for Spring Semester.” The purpose of…
Posts published in “News”
On Sunday, Aug. 31, Smith held its first-ever digital Convocation. The event, which was held as a webinar over Zoom, featured addresses from the…
Over the past few weeks, Smith students have continued to rally in support of financially struggling friends and peers.
In a school-wide email sent on Aug. 27, Smith disclosed that an on-campus community member has tested positive for COVID-19. Due to privacy laws, the…
Since March, when Smith sent students home to continue the 2019-20 academic year remotely, the college has left housekeepers in the dark as to whether…
Despite Smith College’s recent decision to go fully remote for the Fall 2020 semester, the college will not lower its 2020-21 tuition. Responding to this,…
In the wake of the Smith administration’s decision on Aug. 5 to host classes fully remotely this fall semester, students are frustrated but ultimately understanding…
President McCartney announced Wednesday that, contrary to the original plan put out by the college, students – except those who absolutely cannot learn remotely – will not be allowed back to campus for the fall semester due to an increase of COVID-19 cases around the country and in Massachusetts.
The pandemic has widened the gap between Smith’s most and least privileged members — including its faculty members. On July 6, President McCartney announced Smith’s…
Smith will invite freshmen, sophomores, and students graduating in January back for the fall semester; juniors and seniors may come back in the spring. All students will live in single rooms, and necessary precautions being taken include de-densifying floor populations and limiting the number of students per bathroom.