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Posts published in “Local”

Protestors March for Palestine at Smith College and Northampton

Smith students and local community members marched in the streets of Northampton on Thursday, Oct 19 to protest in solidarity with Palestinians against Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip, Israel’s apartheid state and Smith College’s response to the conflict.

Dining and Housekeeping Union Reaches Contract Agreement With Smith College

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 211, the Smith dining and housekeeping union, has reached an agreement for their new contract after almost five months of negotiations. The first official meeting for negotiating the new contract was May 25, and the contract was signed Nov. 14. 

Students Protest to Support Dining and Housekeeping Union

Shouting students stood outside the entrance to the Indoor Track and Tennis Facility (ITT) while, inside, President McCartney held her fall party on Friday, Sept. 9. The mass of students chanting “1 2 3 4, we won't take it anymore! 5 6 7 8, come on Kathy, negotiate!” were protesting the college’s treatment of its dining and housekeeping workers in ongoing contract negotiations.

‘We get treated like crap’; Housekeepers React to Change in Policy Under New Management

“If they see me talking to you, I’ll be fired,” said a housekeeper who, along with another housekeeper, spoke to The Sophian in a house hallway.  They both expressed concern about the housekeeping department’s recent change in management. “They do not care for women,” said the other.  “We get treated like crap.”