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Posts published in “Features”


Aeris Calm down. Things might not be going your way today, but keep you temper. Just because your favorite cereal is gone doesn’t mean your…

Applying to Summer Internships

Alice Mungyu ‘19Features Editor Summer is fast approaching and that means it’s that time of the year again: applying to internships or research positions. To…

Dear World, Dear Smith

Traci williams AC’18 Contributing Writer The everyday struggle that members of the Smith community faceto remain authentic individuals while maintaining a sense of community, compounded…

Can You Hear Us Now?

Since the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Feb. 2012, social media and newsfeeds have been on a strange Chocolate High. Rarely does a week…

The Women’s March Worldwide

I attended the Women’s March on D.C. on a whim. Naturally hesitant about attending most events that require heavy planning, it was serendipitous that I…