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Posts published in “Arts and Culture”

Exploring temporary moments in “Im(permanence)”

“The answer.”

The room is abundant with mixed media, geometric patterns and vibrant colors, but this phrase is what stands out in particular while walking through the Nolen Art Lounge. It is on one of the several collages in the gallery, bold against a backdrop of urban architecture, floating limbs and plates of food. And the answer is just as ambiguous as the question artist Ronnie Schwaller seeks to ask with this collaborative exhibit, “Im(permanence).”

Alt-J tries a new direction with mixed results in “Reduxer”

Like them or not, you probably have some experience with Alt-J’s music. Whether it’s the mumbled lyrics, the unusual instrumentation or the twee habit of referring to their band as just “∆,” most people who are familiar with the indie music scene immediately recognize Joe Newman’s airy vocals and intertwining harp melodies.

A Review of “Snapshots”

Jacqueline Richardson ’21 | Assistant Arts Editor

Oh, the lesbian movie! If there exists a genre more fraught and loved to the people it tries to portray, I haven’t heard of it. Dead lovers, sex scenes so obviously shot with a man panting behind the camera and straight actresses fumbling through flat performances fill the film’s minutes, and yet we continue to watch. Of course some successes exist. But these are few.

Review: Bo Burnham debuts “Eighth Grade”, a stellar Gen Z coming-of-age story

Phoebe Lease ’21 | Arts Editor

Like many in my generation, middle school is a memory I would like to keep far, far away from any part of my conscious mind. Yet, when I saw the trailer for “Eighth Grade,” an indie film quickly gaining an enthusiastic audience, I was drawn to the honesty with which director Bo Burnham deals with his young characters.