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Athlete of the Week: Jordan Houston

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Academic Pursuits:

Aspiring broadcast journalist, hopefully for CNN one day.

Favorite Food:

Pizza, or anything that involves chocolate. My coach will kill me if she reads this.

Favorite Movie:

Bridesmaids hands down

Favorite Color:

Lighter shades of blue

Favorite Place to Study:

3rd floor Neilson…but not in the periodicals


Logan, Utah

Motto to Live By:

Every wall is a door—Ralph Waldo Emerson


Kim Kardashian…just kidding (but not really)

Favorite Smith Tradition: Definitely Mountain Day…I literally mark that as a holiday in my planner.

Jordan has been an asset to Smith Soccer, since joining the team last year. She started in every game her rookie year and so far this year. Jordan has had multiple career firsts this season, with her first left-footed goal and her first header goal. In her last game against the Coast Guard, Jordan scored the game-winning goal with thirty-three seconds left. With a great start to the season, Jordan is sure to finish off strong.