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Amelia Wagner ’18J: Athlete of the Week

Photo courtesy of Amelia Wagner ’18J| Amelia Wagner

Brigit Mcdannell ’18
Sports Editor

Class: 2018J

House: Chapin

Hometown: Austin, Texas

Major/Minor: Engineering major with a possible government double or minor

 Why do you like rugby?

I love the camaraderie. Everyone on the team is very supportive of one another. It’s almost a family-like quality. I am also not opposed to hitting things, so that works out well.

How long have you been playing?

I just started recently. I started at the beginning of the school year, so I’m pretty new to the sport.

What inspired you to play?

At my old university, some of my friends tried to get me to join rugby. I wasn’t too sure about it though. When I got to Smith, however, I decided to give it a shot. I’m really happy I decided to join!

Who do you look up to the most on the team?

Quinn Anex-Ries ’17. He has an amazing work ethic and is always helping us rookies out. Even though he doesn’t play that much … he is by far one of the hardest-working members of the rugby team. He is definitely someone I look up to and aspire to be like.

What has been your favorite game you’ve played this season? 

My favorite time on the pitch was when we scrummed the ball in for a try. It was the most triumphant feeling ever.

Is there a drill you absolutely dread during practice? 

Cejkas. They’re an alternative to ladders where you roll on the ground at each yard line. They are the worst but also the best for you, so it balances out.

What do you do to improve your rugby skills? What are you working on to improve?

I practice. I am working to improve my tackling, scrumming and rucking.

What is your favorite aspect of the sport?

Hitting people, to be honest.

What are your pre-game rituals?

The whole team gets under the posts and does a chant. We go a bit wild, so it’s a great way to get pumped.

Post game rituals?

I normally eat and then hang out with people later on in the evening. It’s nice to bond after a good game.