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The signs as ways they prepare for Thanksgiving break:

Capricorn: Preparing the guest list.

Aquarius: Preparing their arguments with extended family over political issues.

Pisces: Making a packing list so they don’t forget anything when they go home.

Aries: Packing sweatpants for the post-feast food coma.

Taurus: Texting their parents, telling them what food to let themselves make because they always get it wrong.

Gemini: Getting excited about seeing the extended family, and thinking about what they want to discuss.

Cancer:  Planning where to sneak off to after the meal.

Leo: Asking what food is being prepared so they know what to color coordinate with.

Virgo: Texting relatives directions to their parent’s place.

Libra: Preparing themselves to be the mediator for the political discussions that arise.

Scorpio: Deciding what parts of their lives they will talk about at the table and what they want to keep to themselves.  

Sagittarius: Plans a hike for the day after Thanksgiving.