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Smith Students Vote for Their 2024-25 SGA Representatives

The newest members of the Student Government Association (SGA) were announced on Sept. 22, ending a weeks-long campaign effort that was on display throughout campus on the sidewalks via chalk slogans from the candidates.

In the spring and fall of 2024, SGA held elections to appoint the leaders for this upcoming academic year. Fall elections were held so that first-year students could vote, with elections held from Sept. 19  to Sept. 22. Students elected representatives for committees and class years, including class cabinets, the senate and committee chairs. The spring elections were held to select the older representatives, and the fall elections were held to elect the younger members of SGA such as the 2028 cabinet. 

The 2024-25 SGA includes Ehle DeVaugh ’25 as SGA president, Piper Corey ’25 as SGA vice president, Jena Kim as SGA secretary and Emma Lee as the vice president of finance. The class presidents are: Lala Rukh ’25, Callie Jacobson ’26 and Ava Linas ’26, Ayano Tamura ’27 and Dana Lee ’28.

SGA offers opportunities to get involved with various committees, such as the Sustainability Committee. The various committees are focused on specific issues and organizing events based on their given topics. The 2024 elected Chair of the Sustainability Committee Mo Hassan ’27 said, “[The committee] works with other committee members through taking responsibility [for] everything that has to do with sustainability and how it can be implemented within the student body.” 

One of the main goals of the Sustainability Committee this year is to reduce waste on campus, according to Hassan. To achieve this goal, Hassan explained, the committee will “implement better access to composting in houses” to allow for student engagement in waste reduction practices.

Composting is currently available in the dining halls and during major college events, such as convocation. The Sustainability Committee intends to continue to make composting more accessible by increasing the spaces where students can find composting bins. By allowing for more access to compost bins,the committee hopes to increase the student body’s awareness of composting, said Hassan. 

After the election, the newly elected First-year Class President, Dana Lee ’28, expressed excitement about leading the first year class. Addressing first-years, Lee said “I hope I can make your first year at Smith fun and less stressful.” 

Learning from the other members of SGA — including the other people in the cabinet as well as general members of the association — Lee plans to organize many events for first-years throughout the year. One event Lee has in mind is a small bazaar in an effort to bring the first-year class together. Lee’s personal goal is to meet as many members of the 2028 class as possible.

Student leaders in SGA are responsible for assisting with campus issues and communicating with the college. SGA representatives plan events, charter clubs, provide funding to student organizations, refer issues to the administration and more.

Both Hassan and Lee are optimistic about SGA’s ability to help the student body through promoting student engagement, which is part of a larger goal of attracting student participation to SGA events across all classes at Smith.

One event is on Wednesday, Oct. 9,  during which SGA is holding an open session with the Massachusetts Congressman Jim McGovern at 7 p.m. This session is meant to be focused on the upcoming election and Gen Z’s impact on politics. In the past, the association has held office hours with various members of SGA and has sponsored panels and open forums. 

Looking to the future as the newest SGA class president, Lee said, “I also hope to learn a lot from my fellow cabinet members as well as the greater SGA association.” 

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