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Horoscopes– Tips for the mid-term exams




Always the go-getter, you will find yourself eager to do well. But be sure to take care of your body and mind as well. Get plenty of sleep, and stay hydrated!



Even though you may find yourself starting to panic with too much to do, remember to take time to keep in touch with your calm selves!



Changing your study space can sometimes help you concentrate better. Be creative!



Try studying with nature to relieve your seasonal depression! The Botanic Garden is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.



Regular drama queen, you may find it easier to motivate yourself through that five-page essay with a dramatic OST on.



Take good care of yourself, and give out positive energy to others. Remember to find some alone time to relax as well.



Try studying with a couple of friends! They will motivate you to focus and keep you company during the long hours of study.



Be sure to surround yourself with positive energy. Nothing can motivate you more than a good friend.



How about trying to finish the most difficult task first thing in the morning? It will make you feel so much better for the rest of the day.



When you feel overwhelmed, give a call to your family at home. They will give you the love and energy you need to go on.




Try using creative note-taking methods. It will motivate your studying and make your mood a lot better.



Try going for a 30 minute walk in the mornings. It will keep you healthy and make you feel productive.